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  • Preparation

    Our vehicle preparation is something we are proud of here at EcoDrive so feel we need to explain our knowledge behind this desire.

    What we have found is that despite the interior fabrics of the car looking clean,  they are actually harvesting a mountain of DIRT, SWEAT, DEAD SKIN, MAKE UP, HAIR AND HAIR PRODUCTS, and of course a mountain of BACTERIA.
    This is exactly the reason why we sanitise and deep clean the complete interior of every car with a full wet valet which also includes our unique fabric-friendly and odor-fresh disinfectant which not only enables the extraction of all of the above grime particles with our specialised equipment but also kills 99.9% of bacteria and viruses. 

    The next time you get in your own car have a look at all the surfaces and switches you touch to feel and see how sticky and dirty they are! If you bought a second-hand mattress you would want to deep clean it first before you spend time on it so make sure your next car has also been deep cleaned after all this is where you spend your time whilst driving!!
    A test that was conducted by the car care brand Simonize in 2019 found these astonishing results:

    An average car had levels of bacteria that were 23 times higher than that found on the handrail on a public bus – eww!

    The driver’s seat of the car was also found to have six times as much bacteria as that found on a kettle handle in an office kitchen, and twice as much as that found on a TV remote.

    Alongside the driver’s seat, the dashboard control centre in a number of other cars was also checked for bacteria levels and compared to items we’d expect to be less than super clean such as a toilet flush handle.

    Overall the study – revealed that cars owned by parents and pet owners had high levels of bacteria lurking on the driver’s seat.

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